The Japanese American Cultural & Community Center (JACCC), located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, is dedicated to preserving and promoting Japanese American culture and heritage. Yet changing demographics, shifting consumer preferences, and an altered downtown entertainment landscape have necessitated a strategic reorientation. A key question was how to reimagine the role of its auditorium, the Aratani Theatre, from a traditional performing arts venue to a multi-purpose anchor institution for the Los Angeles Creative economy while remaining true to its cultural mission.
CVL Economics undertook a comprehensive landscape analysis of the Downtown Los Angeles creative ecosystem to inform JACCC’s strategic planning efforts. This analysis included an assessment of existing entertainment and performing arts assets, market trends, and service gaps with an emphasis on virtual production demand. To further refine the strategic vision for the Aratani Theatre, we conducted a stakeholder needs assessment, which involved gathering input from key stakeholders through online surveys, industry roundtables, policymaker interviews, and focus groups. These efforts provided JACCC with actionable insights into the preferences and requirements of its diverse audience base, including potential technological and spatial design enhancements for the Aratani Theatre.