Evaluating the Impact of the Live Performing Arts


Evaluating the Impact of the Live Performing Arts


The performing arts sector — which includes the live theater, music, and dance industries — faces significant challenges. The recovery from the pandemic has been slow and uneven for many nonprofit organizations and workers. Due to a limited understanding of the breadth and depth of the performing arts sector’s contributions to local and regional economies, its value has been historically underestimated. As a result, public and philanthropic assistance has dwindled in recent years, threatening the viability of one of California’s key creative economy pillars.


CVL Economics was engaged to leverage data to develop the language necessary to mobilize stakeholders, advocates, and policymakers across the state. This involved evaluating the magnitude of the sector’s economic and fiscal contributions, identifying social and community benefits, and providing recommendations for the sector’s long-term sustainability. Our final report offered key insights into how the performing arts sector supports community revitalization, particularly in historically underserved neighborhoods. It highlighted the significant economic activity generated by the sector and offered prescriptive measures to drive economic development and community engagement.